Verkauf durch Sack Fachmedien

Schiel / Mattutat / Stubenrauch

What's Legit?

Critiques of Law and Strategies of Rights

Medium: Buch
ISBN: 978-3-0358-0243-6
Verlag: Diaphanes Verlag
Erscheinungstermin: 25.07.2020
sofort versandfertig, Lieferfrist: 1-3 Werktage
Once considered a stepchild of social theory, legal criticism has received a great deal of attention in recent years, perpetuating what has always been an ambivalent relationship. On the one hand, law is praised for being a cultural achievement, on the other, it is criticised for being an instrument of state oppression. Legal criticism’s strategies to deal with this ambivalence differ greatly: while some theoreticians seek to transcend the institution of law altogether, others advocate a transformation of the form of law or try to employ counter-hegemonic strategies to change the content of law, deconstruct its basis or invent rights. By presenting a variety of heterogeneous approaches to legal criticism, this volume points out transitions and exhibits irreconcilable differences of these approaches. Without denying the diversity of different forms of critique, they are related to one another with the aim of broadening the debates which all too often are conducted only within the boundaries of the separate theoretical currents.


  • Artikelnummer: 9783035802436
  • Medium: Buch
  • ISBN: 978-3-0358-0243-6
  • Verlag: Diaphanes Verlag
  • Erscheinungstermin: 25.07.2020
  • Sprache(n): Englisch
  • Auflage: Erscheinungsjahr 2020
  • Serie: Critical stances
  • Produktform: Kartoniert
  • Gewicht: 286 g
  • Seiten: 304
  • Format (B x H x T): 119 x 190 x 25 mm
  • Ausgabetyp: Kein, Unbekannt


Nadine Schiel is a research associate at the Institute of Philosophy and Sciences of Art at the Leuphana University Lüneburg Sciences of Art and part of the DFG research training group “Cultures of Critique.”

Liza Mattutat is a PhD student at Leuphana University Lüneburg. She studied literature and philosophy at TU Darmstadt. From 2016 to 2019 she worked as a research assistant within the DFG research training group “Cultures of Critique.” From 2015 to 2016 she was part of the DFG research group “Beyond a Politics of Punishment,” based at Kassel University. Her interests lie in philosophy of law, political philosophy, critical theory and French philosophy. She is currently writing her PhD thesis, which relates philosophical critiques of law to current legal politics from a feminist perspective.

Heiko Stubenrauch is Research Assistant at the Institute of Philosophy and Science of Art at Leuphana University Lüneburg. He studied philosophy, sociology, economics, cultural studies and art history in Frankfurt, Lüneburg and Hamburg. From 2016 to 2019 he worked as a researcher and PhD student within the DFG research training group “Cultures of Critique.” He has published on critical theory, political philosophy and philosophy of technology. He is co-editor of What’s Legit? Criticism of Law and Strategies of Rights (Zurich: diaphanes, 2020). His main research interests are the Frankfurt School, poststructuralism, German Idealism, Marxism, aesthetics and theories of the unconscious. In his PhD thesis, he examines the relationship between critique and affect, especially in the works of Kant, Adorno and Deleuze.

Roberto Nigro ist Professor für Philosophie am Institut für Philosophie und Kunstwissenschaft der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg und derzeit Dekan der Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften. Er ist zudem ancien directeur de programme am Collège International de Philosophie in Paris. Er war zuvor Dozent an der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste. Als Gastprofessor und visiting scholar unterrichtete er in verschiedenen Universitäten in Frankreich, Italien, den Vereinigten Staaten, und der Schweiz. Seine theoretischen Interessen liegen in der Tradition des Operaismus und Neo-Operaismus, im Werk Michel Foucaults (insbesondere in seiner Auseinandersetzung mit Marx und dem Erbe der Philosophie Nietzsches).

7 - 20What’s Legit? Introduction (Liza Mattutat, Roberto Nigro, Nadine Schiel, Heiko Stubenrauch)23 - 46Against Law: The 1960s Anti-Juridical Moment in France (Laurent de Sutter)47 - 62On Thinking and Feeling: The Law of Cultural Heritage (Susanne Krasmann)63 - 94Intensive Listening: Unfolding the Notion of Justice Through Reading the Work of Lawrence Abu Hamdan (Fares Chalabi)97 - 110Women in Europe: A Variable Geometry Citizenship (Alisa Del Re)111 - 128Instituting Revisited: For a Materialistic Conception of the Institution (Paolo Napoli)131 - 156“.as if it were a thing”: A Feminist Critique of Consent (Daniel Loick)157 - 176Rethinking the Law: Taking Clues from Ubuntu Philosophy (Franziska Dübgen)179 - 196Specters of Critique: Hauntology and the Ghosts of Law (Peter Goodrich)197 - 216On the Run from the Law: Alexander Kluge’s "Yesterday Girl" as Cinematic Institution of Subsumption (Manuela Klaut)219 - 244Genealogy, Paradox, Transformation: Basic Elements of a Critique of Rights (Christoph Menke)245 - 262The Anarchy of Rights: On the Dialectic of Freedom and Authority (Benno Zabel)263 - 292Deforming Rights: Arendt’s Theory of a Claim to Law (Jonas Heller)