Die einzelnen Exemplare können leichte Gebrauchsspuren aufweisen. Bitte haben Sie dafür Verständnis, dass wir auf die Lieferung aus dem Sonderangebot kein Rückgaberecht einräumen können. Das Angebot gilt nur, solange der Vorrat reicht.
Alongside The Luxembourg Report on European Procedural Law, Volume I: The Impact of National Procedural Laws and Practices on Mutual Trust and the Free Circulation of Judgments, the volume offers the most comprehensive, empirically-driven comparative investigation of national civil procedure thus far undertaken in Europe. Using an extensive dataset comprising hundreds of interviews and responses to a multi-language online survey, examines the rules of civil procedure in all EU Member States, and identifies their impact on the protection of consumers under EU consumer law.
Alongside The Luxembourg Report on European Procedural Law, Volume II: The Impact of National Procedures on the Protection of Consumers under EU Law, the volume offers the most comprehensive, empirically-driven comparative investigation of national civil procedure thus far undertaken in Europe. Using an extensive dataset comprising hundreds of interviews and responses to a multi-language online survey, examines the rules of civil procedure in all EU Member States, and identifies their impact on mutual trust and the free movement of judgments.
- Artikelnummer: 2005105518434
- Medium: Buch
- ISBN: 200-510551843-4
- Verlag: C.H.Beck
- Erscheinungstermin: 03.04.2019
- Sprache(n): Englisch
- Auflage: 1. Auflage 2019
- Produktform: Gebunden
- Gewicht: 2826 g
- Seiten: 1143
- Format (B x H): 177 x 256 mm
- Ausgabetyp: Unbekannt