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Patents and Professors

The Interdependence between Patent Law, Science, and Research Universities in the United States of America

Medium: Buch
ISBN: 978-3-16-161269-5
Verlag: Mohr Siebeck
Erscheinungstermin: 01.01.2022
Lieferfrist: bis zu 10 Tage
Who owns inventions developed at US research universities? And who benefits from the current ownership regime? To answer these questions, Anna Marion Bieri discusses the transformation which has taken place in academia in regard to the involvement and commercialisation of patents and the effect university patenting has had on the academic mission and the scientific commons. Special emphasis is placed on the history and implementation of the Bayh-Dole Act - a widely-discussed law which facilitated the patenting and commercialisation of federally funded university inventions. On this basis, the author explores who should benefit from university inventions and how the current ownership regime should be modified to achieve this purpose. Finally, Anna Marion Bieri proposes that universities employ patents strategically in accordance with their research strengths.


  • Artikelnummer: 9783161612695
  • Medium: Buch
  • ISBN: 978-3-16-161269-5
  • Verlag: Mohr Siebeck
  • Erscheinungstermin: 01.01.2022
  • Sprache(n): Englisch
  • Auflage: 1. Auflage 2022
  • Serie: Geistiges Eigentum und Wettbewerbsrecht
  • Produktform: Kartoniert
  • Gewicht: 397 g
  • Seiten: 245
  • Format (B x H): 232 x 155 mm
  • Ausgabetyp: Kein, Unbekannt


Born 1975; LL.B. (hons) Durham University (UK); LL.M. Munich Intellectual Property Law Centre; Ph.D. University of Bayreuth; Assistant Professor of Practice and Founding Director of the Science, Technology and Law Program at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg (USA); currently freelance consultant and researcher.